Wikispaces allows you to easily create a free wiki for your classroom.

Click here for a short video introduction to Wikispaces.

Wikispaces Tutorials


Wikispaces Examples

This page is meant to for you to explore and evaluate different wikis.  As you do, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do you like and dislike about their wiki? Their style?
  • If you were to use a wiki for a class how would you use it?
  • What would your wiki include?

Teacher Examples

Note: These examples are pulled from the web and are not necessarily examples of what a perfect score would look like for your assignment

Mr. Klingman

Mrs. Bergmann
6th Grade Geography

Ms. Theisen
High School French

Ms. Davis
High School Computer Science/Technology

Mrs. Tillman
8th Grade Language Arts

Ms. Schmitz
High School Geometry

Mr. Woodbridge
AP Science/Technology

Mrs. Barnett
High School Language/Arts

Mrs. S
Middle/High School English

Mr. Larson
7th and 8th Grade History/Ethics

Mr. Klein
High School Biology/Chemistry/Physics

Mrs. Thomas
Middle School French